Czech Republic Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers Market

All apparel and footwear specialist retailers owned by global and multinational brands expanded or maintained their existing number of outlets in 2016, whilst independent outlets and some smaller chains saw a decline in the number of outlets. Therefore, the process of squeezing smaller and independent retailers out of apparel and footwear specialist retailers continued in 2016.

Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers in Czech Republic report offers insight into key trends and developments driving the industry. The report examines all retail channels to provide sector insight. Channels include hypermarkets, supermarkets, discounters, convenience stores, mixed retailers, health and beauty retailers, clothing and footwear retailers, furniture and furnishing stores, DIY and hardware stores, durable goods retailers, leisure and personal goods retailers. There are profiles of leading retailers, with analysis of their performance and the challenges they face. There is also analysis of non-store retailing: vending; home shopping; internet retailing; direct selling, as available.

Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.

Why buy this report?

* Get a detailed picture of the Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers market

* Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change

* Understand the competitive environment, the markets major players and leading brands

* Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop

Table of Contents

Table 1Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2011-2016

Table 2 Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2011-2016

Table 3 Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2012-2016

Table 4 Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2013-2016

Table 5 Apparel and Footwear Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2013-2016

More Related Reports @ Retail Market Report

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